Financial Statements

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The Financial Statements screen provides access to routines to maintain the report formats, preview and print accounts and other financial statements.

Financial Statements Main View

Select Financial Statements from the Financial Reporting folder in the Task Bar list.

The financial statements page is split between a collection grid containing a list of formats e.g. Full Accounts, and a preview pane.



A collection is a group of formats that together make up the financial report to be produced.

Collection Name. The collections available differ according to the type of entity you are in. The collection extract shown above is for a Limited (FRS102) entity, other collections within this entity are "Management" and "Lead Schedules".

The Collection grid contains the list of formats (pages and notes) available within the selected Collection. Formats have conditions, which will automate their inclusion in a financial report. Those to be included are marked with a tick in the Print column.

Managing or creating a Collection

In addition to the standard collections, bespoke collections may be added at a client level (permission dependent).

Collection grid (contents)

Within the collection grid you will usually see 3 or 4 columns depending on whether the Code column has been included, being Print, Name, Code, Local.

Further columns may be selected from Show Field Chooser (right click to access) for example the Condition column displays page's Print Condition. f1 means the number 1. So f1=f1 above is the syntax used to mean the page will always print, because 1 always equals 1.

Searching within a Collection

To search for a format within a Collection, under Name is a search box on the ribbon that provides a quick way of searching for the name of a page or note, e.g. enter "tax" to find any notes with the word tax in the name.

The context menu

(right click within the collection grid)


Resetting/Reverting collections

If you have changed a collection by adding and removing formats, you may wish to return the collection back to its original state containing the list of default formats. There are two ways to do this Reset Collection or Revert to Default. The different behaviour is explained below:

Reset Collection (soft):

Revert to default (hard):

Revert to default is only accessible for users with access to the Task Permission #Financial Statements #Revert Collection and a warning message will be displayed.

Print, Preview and Publish options

Print Selection

The Print Selection, to the right of the Collection Name, is activated for small companies with a drop down to be able to select Small Company Reduced Filing. Medium/ large companies not filing the Detailed Profit and Loss account will click on the box beside Exclude Management Schedules?

Preview Panel

The panel to the right of the grid shows a preview of the selected format. As only one format is being previewed in this panel, page and note numbers will only relate to the single format and cross references to other notes will not be shown. These will be correctly determined when a preview of the full report is run. Show/hide preview on the ribbon removes the accounts preview panel from the right of the screen.

To preview and/or print the full report

Select the Collection Name, using the drop-down list, and click Preview on the ribbon. The full report (pages and notes activated with a tick) will be spooled and can be printed from the full preview screen by clicking on the printer icon on the Print preview toolbar.


Other options on the print preview toolbar allow the report to be saved as PDF or Docx; to zoom in and out and to show the report in various pre-set modes.

To preview or print a single format

Single click on the name in the grid and, the format will be displayed in the preview pane, to the right of the screen, to print click on the printer icon.

To drill down from a previewed set of accounts

The software will allow drill down to the source of certain elements of a report.

To print to Pdf/Docx

To publish to CCH OneClick and or CCH Document Management

Adding, Copying and Removing Formats

Add Format


Copy Format

Duplicates a page in the current collection and makes the copy local.


Note: The code of the format will be the same as the one it has been copied from, change the Format Code in the Page Set up so that it is unique. To access page set up double click on the format name in the grid, the page set up is on the ribbon.

Browse to Format

To bring in a format which has been saved externally, using the Save to File option from the right click context menu.

Select Browse to Format on the ribbon (or right click context menu).


If the Format Code is the same as another in the Collection change it in page set-up as described above.

Remove a Format

To remove a format from a collection, right click within the collection grid to show the context menu and select Remove. The format will sit behind the Collection and may be brought back in by selecting Add Format.

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