Medicaid for people who are 65 or older, blind or disabled. Click above for more information about the program and to apply.
Medicaid for Former Foster Care Youth
You may be able to get Medicaid IF you:
Medicaid for Former Foster Care Youth is free. It does not matter how much income you have. Visit Vermont Health Connect to apply.
Learn more and how to apply for Vermont’s HIPP Program that pays for eligible Medicaid members and their families to receive health insurance coverage through their employer or COBRA.
The following services are covered under Vermont Medicaid. This is not a complete list of covered services. Certain services may require a copay or have service limitations. Please call the Customer Support Center at 1-800-250-8427 if you have questions about your coverage.
Some services may require you to pay a small fee. This is known as a copayment. Copayments are never required for the following:
Some services may have limitations. Please call the Customer Support Center at 1-800-250-8427 if you have any questions about service limitations. Covered services that have limitations are:
280 State Drive, NOB 1 South
Waterbury, Vermont 05671-1010
Phone: 802-879-5900
Fax: 802-241-0260
For Telecommunications Relay Service: Dial 711
Questions about your health coverage?
Call Customer Service: 1-855-899-9600
Department Contact List for customer service, program telephone and fax numbers, and staff email
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday (Excluding Holidays) 7:45am - 4:30pm
Media Requests
Alex McCracken
Director of Communications and Legislative Affairs
Public Record Requests
Jessica Ploesser
Department of Vermont Health Access
Visit the Agency of Administration site for the Public Records Database